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International Space Station (iss)
main components
ISS Header Pic

The main components of the ISS include modules, structures and major equipment items. This page covers the main components which have been assembled in orbit, in sequence, to build the station. Some of these components were pre-assembled before being transported to the station, although most were transported separately.

Detail Pages

This article includes additional pages giving an overview of technical details for the main components. To access these pages, refer to the sections below.

This page contains the following two main sections.

Relationship Diagram: Showing the relationship between the components, their position on the station and links to the detail pages of the main components.

Installation and Description: Table showing short and long names of each main component; links to detail pages; reference co-ordinates of the above diagram; installation transport and a brief description.

Main Component Relationships

The diagram below shows the relationships between the main components and their location on the station. (Click on a component or heading to open a detail page) (Grid numbers are used in next section)

*All ISS components

Component Installation and Description

The table below lists the main components with links to detail pages (in white) and brief descriptions.

The table is initially sorted in the order of component installation (First column #). It can be re-sorted by clicking on the heading of one of the first four columns.

Click once to sort in A to Z order; click again to sort in Z to A order; click on # heading, or re-load page, to reset. The table header will remain visible during scrolling.


The order in which the components were installed on the station.

Name  ↕

Short common name or acronym used for quick identification.

Full Name

The official full name of the component.

Location on
Station  ↕

Position of the component on the station at this article's date.


Link to the component's Technical Detail Page


X, Y Grid reference to locate component on the above diagram.


Number indicating the type of mission and country.


Spacecraft used to transport component to station.


Brief description on component.

01 Zarya Functional Cargo Block (FGB) PMA-1 rear port Zarya 16,  5 1A/R Used own engine Pressurized, used for storage, externally mounted fuel tanks.
02 PMA-1 Pressurised Mating Adaptor 1 Zarya forward port PMAs 17,  5 2A Shuttle STS-088 Connects two pressurized modules.
03 Unity Connecting Node 1 PMA-1 forward port Nodes 18,  4 2A Shuttle STS-088 Connects up to six pressurized modules.
04 PMA-2 Pressurised Mating Adaptor 2 Harmony forward port PMAs 22,  2 2A Shuttle STS-088 For docking spacecraft.
05 Zvezda Service Module (SM) Zarya rear port Zvezda 14,  7 1R Used own engine Pressurized living quarters, provides some station systems.
06 Z1 Truss Zenith 1 Truss Unity top port Z1 Truss 18,  5 3A Shuttle STS-092 External truss housing the Control Moment Gyroscopes.
07 PMA-3 Pressurised Mating Adaptor 3 Harmony top port PMAs 21,  3 3A Shuttle STS-092 For docking spacecraft.
08 ITS P6 Port 6 Truss ITS P5 port end ITS 14, 13 4A Shuttle STS-097 Segment of the Integrated Truss Structure (ITS).
09 Destiny US Laboratory Module Unity forward port Destiny 19,  3 5A Shuttle STS-098 Pressurized module for science. Supports the ITS.
10 ESP-1 External Stowage Platform 1 Destiny port side ESPs 20,  4 5A.1 Shuttle STS-102 Un-pressurized stowage of equipment.
11 Canadarm2 Station Remote Manipulator System Destiny top Canadarm2 11, 10 6A Shuttle STS-100 Main station external robot arm.
12 Quest Joint Airlock Unity starboard port Quest 18,  4 7A Shuttle STS-104 Airlock for use with U.S. or Russian space suits.
13 Pirs Docking Compartment 1 (DC-1) Zvezda bottom port Pirs 14,  5 4R Progress M-SO1 Airlock for Russian Cosmonauts or for docking spacecraft.
14 ITS S0 Starboard zero Truss Destiny top ITS   9, 10 8A Shuttle STS-110 Segment of the Integrated Truss Structure (ITS).
15 MSS MT Mobile Transporter ITS S0 front MSS 10, 10 8A Shuttle STS-110 Part of the external Mobile Servicing System (MSS).
16 MSS MB Mobile Base MT front MSS 10, 10 UF-2 Shuttle STS-111 Part of the external Mobile Servicing System (MSS).
17 ITS S1 Starboard 1 Truss ITS S0 starboard end ITS   8, 10 9A Shuttle STS-112 Segment of the Integrated Truss Structure (ITS).
18 CETA Cart-A MSS Crew Equip. Translation Aid ITS front MSS   9, 10 9A Shuttle STS-112 Part of the external Mobile Servicing System (MSS).
19 ITS P1 Port 1 Truss ITS S0 port end ITS 11, 11 11A Shuttle STS-113 Segment of the Integrated Truss Structure (ITS).
20 CETA Cart-B MSS Crew Equip. Translation Aid ITS front MSS 10, 11 11A Shuttle STS-113 Part of the external Mobile Servicing System (MSS).
21 ESP-2 External Stowage Platform 2 Quest front ESPs 18,  3 LF-1 Shuttle STS-114 Un-pressurized stowage of equipment.
22 ITS P3/P4 Port 3 and 4 Trusses ITS P1 port end ITS 12, 12 12A Shuttle STS-115 Segment of the Integrated Truss Structure (ITS).
23 ITS P5 Port 5 Truss ITS P3/P4 port end ITS 13, 13 12A.1 Shuttle STS-116 Segment of the Integrated Truss Structure (ITS).
24 ITS S3/S4 Starboard 3 and 4 Trusses ITS S1 starboard end ITS   6,  9 13A Shuttle STS-117 Segment of the Integrated Truss Structure (ITS).
25 ITS S5 Starboard 5 Truss ITS S3/S4 starboard end ITS   5,  8 13A.1 Shuttle STS-118 Segment of the Integrated Truss Structure (ITS).
26 ESP-3 External Stowage Platform 3 ITS S3 bottom ESPs   6,  7 13A.1 Shuttle STS-118 Un-pressurized stowage of equipment.
27 Harmony Connecting Node 2 Destiny forward port Nodes 21,  3 10A Shuttle STS-120 Connects up to six pressurized modules.
28 Columbus ESA Laboratory Module Harmony starboard port Columbus 20,  2 1E Shuttle STS-122 Pressurized module for science.
29 Kibo ELM-PS JEM ELM Pressurized Section Kibo PM top port JEM 22,  4 1J/A Shuttle STS-123 Pressurized module for science.
30 Dextre Sp. Purpose Dextrous Manipulator ITS front Dextre 11, 10 1J/A Shuttle STS-123 External robot "hand" for maintenance activities.
31 Kibo PM JEM Pressurised Module Harmony port side port JEM 22,  3 1J Shuttle STS-124 Pressurized module for science.
32 Kibo RMS JEM Robotic Arm Kibo PM port end JEM 22,  4 1J Shuttle STS-124 External robot arm used with Kibo pressurized module.
33 ITS S6 Starboard 6 Truss ITS S5 starboard end ITS   4,  7 15A Shuttle STS-119 Segment of the Integrated Truss Structure (ITS).
34 Kibo EF JEM Exposed Facility Kibo PM port end JEM 23,  4 2J/A Shuttle STS-127 External platform used with Kibo pressurized module.
35 Kibo ELM-ES JEM ELM Exposed Section Kibo EF port end JEM 23,  4 2J/A Shuttle STS-127 External platform used with Kibo pressurized module.
36 Poisk Mini-Research Module 2 Zvezda top port Poisk 14,  8 5R Progress M-MIM2 Pressurized module for science and docking spacecraft.
37 ELC-1 ExPRESS Logistics Carrier 1 ITS P3 bottom ELCs 12, 11 ULF3 Shuttle STS-129 Un-pressurized stowage of equipment and experiments.
38 ELC-2 ExPRESS Logistics Carrier 2 ITS S3 top ELCs   7, 10 ULF3 Shuttle STS-129 Un-pressurized stowage of equipment and experiments.
39 Tranquility Connecting Node 3 Unity port side port Nodes 21,  6 20A Shuttle STS-130 Connects up to six pressurized modules.
40 Cupola Cupola Observational Module Tranquility bottom port Cupola 21,  5 20A Shuttle STS-130 Pressurized module for Earth and station obsevation.
41 Rassvet Mini-Research Module 1 Zarya bottom port Rassvet 17,  4 ULF4 Shuttle STS-132 Pressurized module for science and docking spacecraft.
42 PMM Permanent Multi Purpose Module Tranquility forward port PMM 22,  5 ULF5 Shuttle STS-133 Pressurized module for storage.
43 ELC-4 ExPRESS Logistics Carrier-4 ITS S3 bottom ELCs   7,  7 ULF5 Shuttle STS-133 Un-pressurized stowage of equipment and experiments.
44 AMS Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer ITS S3 top AMS   7,  9 ULF6 Shuttle STS-134 Externally mounted science instrument.
45 ELC-3 ExPRESS Logistics Carrier-3 ITS P3 top ELCs 12, 14 ULF6 Shuttle STS-134 Un-pressurized stowage of equipment and experiments.
46 BEAM Bigelow Expandable Module Tranquility rear port BEAM 20,  6 SpX-8 Dragon C110 Inflatable pressurized test module. Used for storage.
47 IDA-2 International docking adapter PMA-2 forward port IDAs 22,  2 SpX-9 Dragon C111 Mounted on PMAs for standardized docking of spacecraft.
48 Bishop Airlock Nanoracks Bishop Airlock Tranquility end port Bishop 21,  6 SpX-21 Dragon 2 C208 Airlock for deploying small satellites and experiments.
49 iROSA ISS Roll Out Solar Arrays P6 truss mast cans iROSA 14, 14 SpX-22 Dragon 2 C209 Flexible arrays for easier transport to the station.
50 Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory module Zvezda nadir port Nauka 14,  6 3R Used own engine Pressurized module for science. Supports Prichal module.
51 Prichal Prichal Nodal Module Nauka nadir port Prichal 14,  5 6R Progress M-UM Pressurised for Connecting modules and docking spacecraft.
 rdata space  2022-06  ▲