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International Space Station (iss)
missions 1998 to 2011
ISS Header Pic

A spacecraft mission to the ISS includes its launch from earth, attaining orbit and docking with the station. At the end of the mission the spacecraft either returns to Earth or is deliberately destroyed by a controlled return into the Earth's atmosphere.

The duration of a mission varies, depending on the craft used and purpose of the mission. Space shuttle missions, which return to Earth, are typically short, from a few days to a week.

Crewed spacecraft remain docked at the station until they are replaced with 'fresh' spacecraft. They then return to earth. Most cargo only craft remain docked until the docking port is required. They are the de-orbited and destroyed.

Reference - Wikipedia: Crewed Missions,  Un-crewed Missions

The table below lists all spacecraft flights to the ISS from 1998 to 2011, in chronological order.
Missions 2012 to the present continue on the Missions 2 page.

Go to Year: 1998    1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011
Go to Expedition: 01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31

Launch Flight No.
Mission type and originating country

Used to transport components, crews and cargo to the ISS


Used to carry the spacecraft into orbit


 Order in which components were installed.
 (Un-official number used for this article only)

Primary Payloads [Acronym] (Name)

Main items carried by spacecraft to the station

Mission Notes

Main events during the mission


Expedition numbers allocated to the rotating crew

Year Date
1998 Nov 20 1A/R Zarya [FGB] Proton-K 01 Functional Cargo Block [FGB] (Zarya) Zarya launched by remote control -
Dec 04 2A Shuttle Endeavour STS-88 02
Pressurized Mating Adaptor [PMA-1]
Connecting Node 1 (Unity)
Pressurized Mating Adaptor [PMA-2]
PMA-1 to Zarya's forward port
Unity docked to PMA-1
PMA-2 delivered attached to Unity
1999 May 27 2A.1 Shuttle Discovery STS-96   Spacehab Double Module-1
Integrated Cargo Carrier-1 [ICC-1]
Shuttle docked to Unity via PMA-2
Spacehab-1, ICC-1 remain in shuttle
2000 May 19 2A.2a Shuttle Atlantis STS-101   Spacehab Double Module-2
Integrated Cargo Carrier [ICC-2]
Shuttle docked to Unity via PMA-2
Spacehab-2, ICC-2 remain in shuttle
Jul 12 1R Zvezda [SM] Proton-K 05 Service Module [SM] (Zvezda) Zvezda berthed to Zarya's rear port
Aug 06 1P Progress M1-3 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Sep 08 2A.2b Shuttle Atlantis STS-106   Spacehab Double Module-3
Integrated Cargo Carrier [ICC-3]
Shuttle docked to Unity via PMA-2
Spacehab-3, ICC-3 remain in shuttle
Oct 11 3A Shuttle Discovery STS-92 06
Zenith 1 Truss [Z1]
Pressurized Mating Adaptor [PMA-3]
Shuttle docked to Unity via PMA-2
Z1 berthed to Unity's top port
PMA-3 attached to Unity's side port
Oct 31 2R/1S Soyuz TM-31 Soyuz U   Crew and cargo Docked to Zvezda, moved to Zarya in Feb 1
Nov 16 2P Progress M1-4 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zarya by remote control
Nov 30 4A Shuttle Endeavour STS-97 08 Port 6 Truss [P6] Shuttle docked to Unity via PMA-3
P6 attached top of Z1 Truss
2001 Feb 07 5A Shuttle Atlantis STS-98 09 US Laboratory Module (Destiny) Shuttle docked to Unity via PMA-3
Destiny to Unity's forward port
PMA-2 to Destiny's forward port
Feb 26 3P Progress M-44 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Mar 08 5A.1 Shuttle Discovery STS-102  
External Stowage Platform [ESP-1]
Multi Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM]
- (Leonardo-1)
Integrated Cargo Carrier-4 [ICC-4]
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
ESP-1 attached to Destiny Lab
MPLM berthed to Unity, unloaded, returned
ICC-4 remains in shuttle bay
Apr 19 6A Shuttle Endeavour STS-100 11 Station Remote Manipulator System
[SSRMS] - (Canadarm2)
Multi Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM]
- (Raffaello-1)
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
Canadarm2 to top of Destiny Lab
MPLM to Unity, back to shuttle
Apr 28 2S Soyuz TM-32 Soyuz U   Visiting crew 1 and cargo Docked to Zarya, replaced Soyuz TM-31
May 20 4P Progress M1-6 Soyuz FG   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Jul 12 7A Shuttle Atlantis STS-104 12 Joint Airlock (Quest) Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
Quest to Unity's starboard port
Aug 10 7A.1 Shuttle Discovery STS-105   Multi Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM]
- (Leonardo-2)
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
MPLM berthed to Unity, unloaded, returned
Aug 21 5P Progress M-45 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Sep 14 4R Pirs DC1 Module Soyuz U 13 Docking Compartment-1 [DC1] (Pirs) Docked to Zvezda bottom port remotely
Oct 21 3S Soyuz TM-33 Soyuz U   Visiting crew 2 and cargo Docked to Zarya, replaced Soyuz TM-32
Nov 26 6P Progress M1-7 Soyuz FG   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Dec 05 UF-1 Shuttle Endeavour STS-108   Multi Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM]
- (Raffaello-2)
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
MPLM berthed to Unity, unloaded,
- back to shuttle
2002 Mar 21 7P Progress M1-8 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Apr 08 8A Shuttle Atlantis STS-110 14
Starboard zero Truss [S0]
Mobile Transporter [MT]
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
S0 attached to top of Destiny
MT mounted on front of S0 Truss
Apr 25 4S Soyuz TM-34 Soyuz U   Visiting crew 3 and cargo Docked to Zarya, replaced Soyuz TM-33
Jun 05 UF-2 Shuttle Endeavour STS-111  
Expedition 5 crew
Mobile Base [MB]
Multi Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM]
- (Leonardo-3)
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
MB attached to the Mobile Transporter
MPLM berthed to Unity, unloaded, returned
Jun 26 8P Progress M-46 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Sep 25 9P Progress M1-9 Soyuz FG   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Oct 07 9A Shuttle Atlantis STS-112 17
Starboard 1 Truss [S1]
Crew Equipment Translation Aid
- [CETA] Cart A
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
S1 attached to the starboard end of S0
CETA cart A delivered attached to S1
Oct 30 5S Soyuz TMA-1 Soyuz FG   Visiting crew 4 and cargo Docked to Zarya, replaced Soyuz TM-34
Nov 23 11A Shuttle Endeavour STS-113  
Expedition 6 crew
Port 1 Truss [P1]
Crew Equipment Translation Aid
- [CETA] Cart B
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
P1 attached to the port end of S0
CETA cart B delivered attached to P1
2003 Feb 02 10P Progress M-47 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Apr 26 6S Soyuz TMA-2 Soyuz FG   Expedition 7 crew and cargo Docked to Zarya 7
Jun 08 11P Progress M1-10 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs DC1 by remote control
Aug 29 12P Progress M-48 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Oct 18 7S Soyuz TMA-3 Soyuz FG   Expedition 8 crew
Visiting crew 5 and cargo
Docked to Pirs 8
2004 Jan 29 13P Progress M1-11 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Apr 19 8S Soyuz TMA-4 Soyuz FG   Expedition 9 crew
Visiting crew 6 and cargo
Docked to Zarya 9
May 25 14P Progress M-49 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Aug 11 15P Progress M-50 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Oct 14 9S Soyuz TMA-5 Soyuz FG   Expedition 10 crew
Visiting crew 7 and cargo
Docked to Pirs
- moved to Zarya Nov 29
Dec 23 16P Progress M-51 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
2005 Feb 28 17P Progress M-52 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Apr 15 10S Soyuz TMA-6 Soyuz FG   Expedition 11 crew
Visiting crew 8 and cargo
Docked to Pirs
- moved to Zarya Jul 19
Jun 16 18P Progress M-53 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
July 26 LF-1 Shuttle Discovery STS-114 21 External Stowage Platform [ESP-2]
Multi Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM]
- (Raffaello-3)
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
ESP-2 attached to Quest Airlock
MPLM berthed to Unity, unloaded, returned
Sep 08 19P Progress M-54 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Oct 01 11S Soyuz TMA-7 Soyuz FG   Expedition 12 crew
Visiting crew 9 and cargo
Docked to Pirs, moved to Zarya Nov 11,
- moved to Zvezda Mar 20
Dec 21 20P Progress M-55 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
2006 Mar 30 12S Soyuz TMA-8 Soyuz FG   Expedition 13 crew
Visiting crew 10 and cargo
Docked to Zarya 13
Apr 24 21P Progress M-56 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Jun 24 22P Progress M-57 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
July 04 ULF 1.1 Shuttle Discovery STS-121   Expedition 13/14 crew
Multi Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM]
- (Leonardo-4)
Integrated Cargo Carrier-5 [ICC-5]
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
MPLM berthed to Unity, unloaded, returned
ICC-4 remained in shuttle bay
Sep 09 12A Shuttle Atlantis STS-115 22 Port 3 and 4 Trusses [P3/P4] Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
P3/P4 attached to port end of P1 Truss
Sep 18 13S Soyuz TMA-9 Soyuz FG   Expedition 14 crew
Visiting crew 11 and cargo
Docked to Zarya
moved to Zarya Oct 10, moved to Zvezda
Oct 23 23P Progress M-58 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Dec 10 12A.1 Shuttle Discovery STS-116  
Expedition 14/15 crew
Port 5 Truss [P5]
Spacehab Single Module-1
Integrated Cargo Carrier-6 [ICC-6]
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
P5 attached to port end of P3/P4 Truss
P6 Truss solar arrays retracted
Spacehab and ICC remained in shuttle bay
2007 Jan 18 24P Progress M-59 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
Apr 07 14S Soyuz TMA-10 Soyuz FG   Expedition 15 crew
Visiting crew 12 and cargo
Docked to Zarya 15
May 12 25P Progress M-60 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Jun 08 13A Shuttle Atlantis STS-117  
Expedition 15/16 crew
Starboard 3 and 4 Trusses [S3/S4]
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
S3/S4 attached to starboard end of S1
Aug 02 26P Progress M-61 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
Aug 08 13A.1 Shuttle Endeavour STS-118 25
Starboard 5 Truss [S5]
External Stowage Platform-3 [ESP-3]
Spacehab Single Module-2
S5 attached to starboard end of S3/S4
ESP-3 attached to S3 Truss
Spacehab remained in shuttle bay
Oct 10 15S Soyuz TMA-11 Soyuz FG   Expedition 16 crew
Visiting crew 13 and cargo
Docked to Zarya 16
Oct 23 10A Shuttle Discovery STS-120  
Expedition 16 third crew
Connecting Node 2 (Harmony)
Shuttle docked to Destiny via PMA-2
Harmony attached to the side of Unity
PMA-2 attached to front of Harmony
Harmony attached to front of Destiny Lab
P6 Truss relocated to the end of P5
Dec 23 27P Progress M-62 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
2008 Feb 05 28P Progress M-63 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
Feb 07 1E Shuttle Atlantis STS-122  
Expedition 16 third crew replacement
ESA Laboratory Module (Columbus)
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
Columbus attached to Harmony starboard
Mar 09 ATV-1 ATV-1 Ariane 5   Cargo Automated Transfer Vehicle-1 (Jules Verne)
Docked to Zvezda, Test flight, ISS re-boost
Mar 11 1J/A Shuttle Endeavour STS-123  
Expedition 16/17 crew
Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo)
- Pressurized Section [ELM-PS]
Special Purpose Dextrous
- Manipulator (Dextre)
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
Kibo ELM-PS attached to top of Harmony
Dextre attached to Canadarm2
Apr 08 16S Soyuz TMA-12 Soyuz FG   Expedition 17 crew
Visiting crew 14 and cargo
Docked to Pirs 17
May 14 29P Progress M-64 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zarya by remote control
May 31 1J Shuttle Discovery STS-124  
Expedition 17/18 crew
Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo)
- Pressurized Module [PM]
Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo)
- Robotic Arm [JEMRMS]
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
Kibo PM attached to port side of Harmony
Kibo JEMRMS sent attached to Kibo PM
Kibo ELM-PS moved to the top of Kibo PM
Sep 10 30P Progress M-65 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Oct 12 17S Soyuz TMA-13 Soyuz FG   Expedition 18 crew
Visiting crew 15 and cargo
Docked to Zarya 18
Nov 15 ULF2 Shuttle Endeavour STS-126   Expedition 18 third crew
Multi Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM]
- (Leonardo-5)
Multi Purpose Experiment
- Support Structure [MPESS]
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
MPLM berthed to station, unloaded,
back to shuttle
MPESS remained in shuttle bay
Nov 26 31P Progress M-01M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
2009 Feb 10 32P Progress M-66 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
Mar 15 15A Shuttle Discovery STS-119 33 Expedition 18/19 crew
Starboard 6 Truss [S6]
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
S6 attached to starboard end of S5 Truss
Mar 26 18S Soyuz TMA-14 Soyuz FG   Expedition 19 crew
Visiting crew 16 and cargo
Docked to Zvezda
moved to Pirs Jun 3
May 07 33P Progress M-02M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
May 27 19S Soyuz TMA-15 Soyuz FG   Expedition 20 crew and cargo Docked to Zarya 20
Jul 15 2J/A Shuttle Endeavour STS-127  
Expedition 19/20 crew
Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo)
- Exposed Facility [EF]
Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo)
- Experiment Logistics Module
Exposed Section [ELM-ES]
Integrated Cargo Carrier [ICC-VLD]
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
Kibo EF attached to port end of Kibo PM
Kibo ELM-ES attached to port end Kibo EF
ICC-VLD (parts) remained in shuttle bay
Jul 24 34P Progress M-67 Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Free flight Sep 21 to 27
Aug 28 17A Shuttle Discovery STS-128   Expedition 19/20 replacement crew
Multi Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM]
- (Leonardo-6)
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
MPLM berthed to station, unloaded,
back to shuttle
Sep 10 HTV-1 HTV-1 H-IIB
  Cargo H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) Kounotori-1
Test flight docked to Harmony by ISS arm
Sep 30 20S Soyuz TMA-16 Soyuz FG   Expedition 21/22 crew and cargo
Visiting crew 17
Docked to Zvezda
moved to Poisk Jan 21, 2010
Oct 15 35P Progress M-03M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
Free flight Apr 21 to 27 2010
Nov 10 5R Progress M-MRM2 Soyuz U 36 Mini-Research Module 2 [MRM-2]
- (Poisk)
Docked to Zvezda zenith port remotely
Nov 16 ULF3 Shuttle Atlantis STS-129 37
ExPRESS Logistics Carriers
- [ELC-1 and 2]
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
ELC-1 & ELC-2 attached to P3 & S3 Truss
Dec 21 21S Soyuz TMA-17 Soyuz FG   Expedition 22/23 crew and cargo Docked to Zarya
moved to Zvezda May 12, 2010
2010 Feb 03 36P Progress M-04M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Free flight may 10 to Jul 1
Feb 08 20A Shuttle Endeavour STS-130 39
Connecting Node 3 (Tranquility)
Observation Cupola
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
Tranquility berthed to port side of Unity
Cupola berthed to bottom of Tranquility
Apr 02 22S Soyuz TMA-18 Soyuz FG   Expedition 23/24 crew and cargo Docked to Poisk 23/
Apr 05 19A Shuttle Discovery STS-131   Multi Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM]
- (Leonardo-7)
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
MPLM berthed to station, unloaded,
back to shuttle
Apr 28 37P Progress M-05M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
May 14 ULF4 Shuttle Atlantis STS-132 41 Mini-Research Module 1 [MRM-1]
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
Rassvet MRM1 docked to nadir port Zarya
Jun 16 23S Soyuz TMA-19 Soyuz FG   Expedition 24/25 crew and cargo Docked to Zvezda
- Moved to Rassvet Jun 28
Jun 30 38P Progress M-06M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Free flight Aug 31 to Sep 6
Sep 10 39P Progress M-07M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Oct 08 24S Soyuz TMA-01M Soyuz FG   Expedition 25/26 crew and cargo Docked to Poisk 25/
Oct 27 40P Progress M-08M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
Dec 15 25S Soyuz TMA-20 Soyuz FG   Expedition 26/27 crew and cargo Docked to Rassvet 26/
2011 Jan 22 HTV-2 HTV-2 H-IIB
  Cargo H-II Transfer Vehicle [HTV] Kounotori-2
Docked to Harmony by station arm
Jan 28 41P Progress M-09M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
Free flight Apr 22 to 26
Feb 17 ATV-2 ATV-2 Ariane 5   Cargo Automated Transfer Vehicle-2
- (Johannes Kepler) Docked to Zvezda
Feb 24 ULF5 Shuttle Discovery STS-133  
Permanent Multi Purpose Module [PMM]
ExPRESS Logistics Carrier [ELC-4]
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
PMM - Modified MPLM Leonardo-8
ELC-4 attached to the S3 Truss
Apr 05 26S Soyuz TMA-21 Soyuz FG   Expedition 27/28 crew and cargo Docked to Poisk 27/
Apr 27 42P Progress M-10M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
May 16 ULF6 Shuttle Endeavour STS-134 44
Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer [AMS]
ExPRESS Logistics Carrier [ELC-3]
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
AMS attached to the S3 Truss
ELC-3 attached to the P3 Truss
Jun 08 27S Soyuz TMA-02M Soyuz FG   Expedition 28/29 crew and cargo Docked to Rassvet 28/
Jun 21 43P Progress M-11M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Zvezda by remote control
Free flight Aug 23 to Sep 21
Jul 08 ULF7 Shuttle Atlantis STS-135   Multi Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM]
- (Raffaello-4)
Shuttle docked to Harmony via PMA-2
Last shuttle flight
MPLM berthed to station, unloaded,
back to shuttle
Aug 24 44P Progress M-12M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Failed to reach orbit
Oct 30 45P Progress M-13M Soyuz U   Propellant and cargo Docked to Pirs by remote control
Free flight Jan 24 to 25
Nov 14 28S Soyuz TMA-22 Soyuz FG   Expedition 29/30 crew and cargo Docked to Poisk 29/
Dec 21 29S Soyuz TMA-03M Soyuz FG   Expedition 30/31 crew and cargo Docked to Rassvet 30/

Missions 2012 to the present continue on  Missions 2 page.

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