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U.S. Space Shuttle (Space Transport System)

Payloads - Space Station Support

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Two major space stations were supported by space shuttle missions. This page summarizes the main shuttle payloads used to support the building and operation of these stations.

Russian Space Station (Mir)

The Shuttle/Mir program was used as a test bed for the development of components and procedures to be used on the International Space Station. Shuttles also delivered cargo, personnel and components to Mir.


The International Space Station (ISS)

Shuttles were the major work horses for building and supporting the ISS. Many of the ISS major components were designed to be transported in the shuttle payload bay and assembled with the assistance of the shuttle crew. Shuttles also delivered crew, supplies, experiments and equipment to the ISS.  ▽ 

Russian Space Station (Mir) Support

On the first flight to Mir the shuttle did not dock with the station. The shuttle rendezvoused and flew around the station in preparation for docking. Nine more flights were made to Mir with the shuttle docking each time. The shuttle carried a Spacelab pressurised module on one docking flight and a SPACEHAB pressurised module on seven others.

The support missions to Mir are shown in the table below and the following paragraphs.

Acronym Name STS No. Year
Mir-0 Shuttle/Mir rendezvous
(Did not dock)
63 1995
Mir-1 to 9 Shuttle/Mir docking 1 to 9 71, 74, 76,
79, 81, 84,
86, 89, 91
Spacelab-Mir-1 Shuttle/Mir support 71 1995
SPACEHAB-Mir-1 to 7 Shuttle/Mir support 76, 79, 81,
84, 86, 89, 91

Wikipedia Space Station Mir ,  Shuttle-Mir Program ,  Spacelab ,  SPACEHAB
Gunter's Space Page Mir
Encyclopedia Astronautica Mir ,  Spacelab ,  SPACEHAB


Performed a rendezvous and fly around to verify flight techniques, communications and navigation, and engineering analyses associated with Shuttle/Mir proximity operations in preparation for the [STS-71] docking mission.

[STS-63] (1995) {Shuttle/Mir rendezvous only, did not dock}


Delivered a relief crew of two cosmonauts to Mir. Also performed the on-orbit joint U.S. / Russian life sciences investigations aboard Spacelab-Mir, logistical resupply of Mir and recovery of US astronaut on Mir.

[STS-71] (1995) {Shuttle/Mir docking-1}


While the shuttle was docked to the Russian Space Station, Mir, 15 biomedical and scientific investigations were conducted using the Spacelab habitable module installed in shuttle payload bay. Investigations covered cardiovascular and pulmonary functions, human metabolism, neuroscience, hygiene, sanitation and radiation, behavioral performance and biology, fundamental biology, and microgravity research.

[STS-71] (1995)


Delivered the Russian-built Mir Docking Module (DM) to the station along with a pair of solar arrays. The shuttle robot arm was used to dock the DM with Mir. This mission marked the first time astronauts from the European Space Agency, Canada, Russia and the U.S. were in space on the same complex at one time, an example of nations that are represented on the International Space Station.

[STS-74] (1995) {Shuttle/Mir docking-2}


Transferred the first American woman astronaut to live on Mir. During five days of docked operations, water,scientific equipment, logistical material and resupply items were transferred to Mir.

[STS-76] (1996) {Shuttle/Mir docking-3}


Used a pressurised Single Module (SM) to support shuttle-Mir docking. The module primarily served as stowage area for the supply of equipment for transfer to Mir. It also carried European Space Agency's Biorack experiment rack for on-orbit research with investigations including the effect of microgravity and cosmic radiation on plants, tissues, cells, bacteria and insects and effects of microgravity on bone loss.

[STS-76] (1996)


Carried the Orbiter Docking System and exchanged U.S. station astronauts.

[STS-79] (1996) {Shuttle/Mir docking-4}


Used a pressurised Logistics Double Module (LDM) to support shuttle-Mir docking. The forward portion of the double module housed experiments conducted by the crew before, during and after the shuttle was docked to Mir. The aft portion of the double module housed the logistics equipment to be transferred to Mir, which included food, clothing, experiments, supplies, and spare equipment.

[STS-79] (1996)


Transferred water and supplies from one spacecraft to the other. The mission included several experiments in the fields of advanced technology, Earth sciences, fundamental biology, human life sciences, microgravity, and space sciences. U.S. station astronauts were also exchanged.

[STS-81] (1997) {Shuttle/Mir docking-5}


Used a pressurised Logistics Double Module (LDM) to support shuttle-Mir docking. Included several experiments in the fields of advanced technology, Earth sciences, fundamental biology, human life sciences, microgravity, and space sciences. It was hoped that data would supply insight for the planning and development of the International Space Station, Earth-based sciences of human and biological processes, and the advancement of commercial technology.

[STS-81] (1997)


Further expanded U.S. research on Mir by providing resupply materials for experiments to be performed aboard the station as well as returning experiment samples and data to Earth. Water and logistics were transferred to and from the Mir during the docked phase. U.S. station astronauts were also exchanged.

[STS-84] (1997) {Shuttle/Mir docking-6}


Used a pressurised Logistics Double Module (LDM) to support the transfer of logistics and supplies for Mir and the return of experiment hardware and specimens to Earth.

[STS-84] (1997)


Further expanded U.S. research on Mir by providing resupply materials for experiments to be performed aboard the station as well as returning experiment samples and data to Earth. Water and logistics were transferred to and from the Mir during the docked phase. U.S. station astronauts were also exchanged.

[STS-86] (1997) {Shuttle/Mir docking-7}


Used a pressurised Logistics Double Module (LDM) to support the transfer of logistics and supplies for Mir and the return of experiment hardware and specimens to Earth.

[STS-86] (1997)


U.S. station astronauts were exchanged, experiments carried out in the SPACEHAB module and logistics were transferred to and from the Mir during the docked phase.

[STS-89] (1998) {Shuttle/Mir docking-8}


Used a pressurised Logistics Double Module (LDM) for experiments included the Advanced X-Ray Detector (ADV XDT), Advanced Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (ADV CGBA), EORF, Mechanics of Granular Materials (MGM) Experiment, Intra-Vehicular Radiation Environment Measurements by the Real-Time Radiation Monitor (RME-1312), Space Acceleration Measurement System (SAMS), VOA and the Volatile Removal Assembly prototype for the ISS Water Recovery System.

[STS-89] (1998)


Final Shuttle / Mir docking. Delivered logistics and supplies to Mir and brought home the NASA station astronaut. Long-term U.S. experiments aboard the Mir were moved into the shuttle's mid deck and the SPACEHAB single module. These included the Space Acceleration Measurement System (SAMS) and the tissue engineering co-culture (COCULT) investigations, as well as two crystal growth experiments.

[STS-91] (1998) {Shuttle/Mir docking-9}


Used a pressurised Single Module (SM) to deliver logistics and supplies to Mir. Long-term U.S. experiments aboard the Mir were also moved into the SPACEHAB module.

[STS-91] (1998)


International Space Station (ISS) Support

The ISS is the largest structure ever built in orbit and the most complex engineering project in the Earth's history. The first main component of this 'space station' was launched into orbit in November 1998 and the first crew took up residence in October 2000. The station has been occupied continuously since then.

The ISS is primarily a science research station, studying processes in micro gravity, long term exposure of materials in space and the effects on people living in near zero gravity. It is also inspiring innovations in technology, engineering and spacecraft design.

The Primary shuttle payloads include major ISS components and cargo to support station operations and research.

These payloads are shown in the table below and the following paragraphs.

Acronym Name STS No. Year
PMAs Pressurised Mating Adaptors-1, 2, 3 88, 92 1998, 2000
Nodes Connecting Nodes-1, 2, 3 88, 120, 130 1998, 2007, 2010
SPACEHAB-LDM Logistics Double
Modules-1, 2, 3
96, 101, 106 1999, 2000
SPACEHAB-ICC Integrated Cargo Carriers G1 to G7 96, 101, 106, 102, 105, 121, 116 1999, 2000, 2001, 2006
Z1 Zenith 1 Truss 92 2000
Destiny U.S. Laboratory Module 98 2001
ESP External Stowage Platforms-1, 2, 3 102, 114, 118 2001, 2005, 2007
MPLM Multi-Purpose Logistics Modules 102, 100, 105, 108, 111, 114, 121, 126, 128, 131, 135, 133 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
SSRMS Space Station Remote Manipulator System (Canadarm2) 100 2001
Quest Joint Airlock 104 2001
ITS Integrated Truss Structure 97, 110, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 2000, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2009
MSS Mobile Servicing System 110, 111, 112, 113 2002
SPACEHAB-ICC Integrated Cargo Carriers GD1, GD2 (ESP-2, 3) 114, 118 2005, 2007
SPACEHAB-LSM Logistics Single Modules-1, 2 116, 118 2006, 2007
Columbus ESA Laboratory Module 122 2008
SPACEHAB-ICC Integrated Cargo Carrier-L1 122 2008
JEM Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo) 123, 124, 127 2008, 2009
SPACEHAB-ICC Integrated Cargo Carrier-VLD1, VLD2 127, 132 2009, 2010
SPDM Special Purpose Dextrous Manipulator (Dextre) 123 2008
ELC ExPRESS Logistics Carriers-1 to 4 129, 134, 135 2009, 2011
Cupola Observational Module 130 2010
MRM-1 Mini-Research Module 1 (Rassvet) 132 2010
PMM Permanent Multi Purpose Module 133 2011
AMS-2 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer 2 134 2011

rdata space ISS ,  SPACEHAB
Wikipedia ISS ,  SPACEHAB
Gunter's Space Page ISS
Encyclopedia Astronautica ISS ,  SPACEHAB

Pressurised Mating Adaptors (PMA-1 and 2, 3)

Pressurised conical shaped components used for docking U.S Space Shuttles. To dock other spacecraft, PMA-2 and 3 are converted using International docking adapters [IDAs].

* PMA-1 Modified to allow the Russian and U.S. Segments to be joined.
* PMA-2 Attached to the forward port of Node 2. (Harmony).
* PMA-3 Attached to the top port of Node 2. (Harmony).

[ISS-2A, 3A] [STS-88, 92] (1998, 2000)

Connecting Nodes (Node-1, 2, 3)

Used in the U.S./International Segment to connect main components together. The size of individual components was limited by the capacity of the shuttle's cargo bay. Nodes allow the station to be enlarged by connecting additional components to a core module.

* Node 1. (Unity) Berthed to the forward axial port of the Functional Cargo Block (Zarya).
* Node 2. (Harmony) Berthed to the forward axial port of the U.S. Laboratory (Destiny).
* Node 3. (Tranquility) Berthed to the port side port of Node 1. (Unity).

[ISS-2A, 10A, 20A] [STS-88, 120, 130] (1998, 2007, 2010)


Used pressurised Logistics Double Modules (LDM) to transport logistical supplies to the ISS.

[ISS-2A.1, 2A.2a, 2A.2b] [STS-96, 101, 106] (1999, 2000, 2000)


Used un-pressurised Integrated Cargo Carriers type G (ICC-Generic) to deliver cargo.

* ISS-ICC-G1 Carried parts of the Russian cargo crane STRELA, the SPACEHAB Oceaneering Space System Box (SHOSS) and the U.S. built crane called ORU Transfer Device (OTD).

* ISS-ICC-G2 Carried parts of the Russian Strela crane, the Space Integrated Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System (SIGI), Orbital Attitude Readiness (SOAR), and the SPACEHAB Oceaneering Space System (SHOSS) box.

* ISS-ICC-G3 Carried the Space Integrated Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System (SIGI) Orbital Attitude Readiness (SOAR) payload, and the SPACEHAB Oceaneering Space System (SHOSS) box.

[ISS-2A.1, 2A.2a, 2A.2b] [STS-96, 101, 106] (1999, 2000, 2000)

Zenith 1 Truss (Z1)

This was the first un-pressurised main component to be added to the ISS. It is a large box with sides made of open metal girder trusses. Its main function is to hold the Control Moment Gyroscopes (CMGs), sometimes called gyrodynes, the preferred method of attitude control of the station. It was also used to temporarily support the P6 truss segment for early station power.

[ISS-3A] [STS-92] (2000)

U.S. Laboratory Module (Destiny)

A pressurised eight meter long cylinder with standard U.S. berthing ports at each end. It is the main U.S. research laboratory for U.S. It is also one of the main structural components of the ISS, supporting the entire Integrated Truss Structure [ITS] and the station "Robot Arm" [SSRMS].

[ISS-5A] [STS-98] (2001)

External Stowage Platforms (ESP-1, 2, 3)

Based on a deployable version of the SPACEHAB Integrated Cargo Carriers [ICCs], they hold equipment and spare parts for use in the non-pressurised sections of the Station. They are then accessible to crew during "Space Walks". Three ESPs are currently deployed on the station.

* ESP-1 Installed on the port side of the U.S. Laboratory Module (Destiny).
* ESP-2 Attached to the Joint Airlock (Quest) using an ESP Attachment Device (ESPAD).
* ESP-3 Installed on the S3 Truss Segment of the Integrated Truss Structure [ITS].

[ISS-5A.1, LF1, 13A.1] [STS-102, 114, 118] (2001, 2005, 2007)

Multi-Purpose Logistics Modules (MPLMs)

Re-usable pressurised cargo modules built for NASA by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) which carry equipment, supplies, laboratory racks and experiments for the ISS and are transported in the shuttle's cargo bay. Unlike Spacelab and SPACEHAB, there is no internal access from the shuttle to the modules.

The MPLM is lifted from the cargo bay using the shuttle's or the station's robot arm and connected to a station berthing port with an airtight seal. It is then be unloaded and re-loaded directly into the Station. At the end of the mission it is re-berthed in the shuttle's cargo bay for return to Earth and re-conditioning. Three MPLMs, named Leonardo, Raffaello and Donnatello (famous Italians of the past), were built to allow time for turn around.

Twelve mission to the station have including MPLMs. Donnatello was never flown to the station and Leonardo-8 was permanently attached to station to become the Permanent Multi Purpose Module [PMM].

* Leonardo-1 to 8 [ISS-5A.1, 7A.1, UF2, ULF1.1, ULF2, 17A, 19A, ULF5]
[STS-102, 105, 111, 121, 126, 128, 131, 133]
(2001, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)

* Raffaello-1 to 4 [ISS-6A, UF1, LF1, ULF7]
[STS-100, 108, 114, 135]
(2001, 2001, 2005, 2011)

(Ref: rdata space MPLM   Wikipedia MPLM   Gunter's Space Page MPLM)


Used un-pressurised Integrated Cargo Carriers type G (ICC-Generic) to deliver cargo.

* ISS-ICC-G4 Carried an External Stowage Platform (ESP-1) mounted on its underside. ESPs are based on a deployable version of the ICC and hold equipment and spare parts for use in the non-pressurised sections of the ISS.

* ISS-ICC-G5 Carried the Early Ammonia Servicer (EAS) which contains spare ammonia that can be used in the ISS cooling systems if needed. It also carried the Materials International Space Station Experiments (MISSE) an endeavor to fly materials and other types of space exposure experiments on the ISS. The MISSE experiments were in four Passive Experiment Containers (PECs) and were the first externally mounted experiments conducted on the ISS.

* ISS-ICC-G6 Carried a new Trailing Umbilical System (TUS) for the Mobile Transporter (MT) (returning old one), an EATCS/Pump Module (PM), two Fixed Grapple Bars for PM & TUS relocation during EVA and an LMC carrying the DTO-848 TPS Repair Box.

* ISS-ICC-G7 Carried four sub-satellites, which were deployed after undocking from the ISS: the ANDE technology demonstrator (OSCAR 61 and 62), developed by the Naval Research Laboratory, and three CubeSats (RAFT-1 (OSCAR 60) and MARScom for the United States Naval Academy, and MEPSI 2A/2B for DARPA). It was the first Shuttle mission to deploy satellites since STS-113 in 2002.

[5A.1, 7A.1, ULF1.1, 12A.1] [STS-102, 105, 121, 116] (2001, 2001, 2006, 2006)

Space Station Remote Manipulator System [SSRMS] (Canadarm2)

The station "robot arm" played a critical role in the assembly of the station and is now used for maintenance and logistic operations. It is a larger version of the shuttle "robot arm" and consists of three sections connected with universal joints to allow movement in any direction. Each end has identical fittings to connect it to attachment points on the ISS modules and the Mobile Servicing System [MSS]. The arm is operated by crew inside the station.

[ISS-6A] [STS-100] (2001)

Joint Airlock (Quest)

The main access to the outside of the ISS from the pressurised sections of the U.S. segment. It is primarily used for crew in U.S. space suits but can also be used by crew in Russian space suits. It is a pressurized module consisting of two cylindrical compartments attached end-to-end by a connecting bulkhead and hatch.

[ISS-7A] [STS-104] (2001)

Integrated Truss Structure (ITS)

A 108m long metal beam made up of eleven truss segments assembled in orbit. It is mounted on top of the U.S. laboratory module (Destiny) at right angles to Destiny's long axis. The main function of the ITS is to support eight large solar array wings and equipment to provide the main power source for the station.

The ITS also supports six large radiator fins used to extract any excess heat from the habitats. Another four fins are used to cool the electronics which operate the solar arrays. A rail system, called the "Mobile Servicing System" [MSS] runs along the front of the beam for moving the station's robot arm (Canadarm2) and space walking personnel.

* ITS Starboard 0 Truss Segment
[ITS-S0] [ISS-8A] [STS-110] (2002)

Supports the entire ITS and connects it to the station. It is mounted on top of the U.S. Laboratory Module (Destiny) at right angels to its long axis. All the ITS functions are controlled through Destiny. The other ITS truss segments are attached to each end of the S0 truss. (Note: there is no Port 0 truss segment.) The S0 truss also incorporates the central section of the Mobile Servicing System [MSS] used for moving the station's robot arm and space walking personnel along the ITS.

* ITS Starboard 1. Truss Segment and ITS Port 1. Truss Segment
[ITS-S1] [ISS-9A] [STS-112] (2002) and [ITS-P1] [ISS-11A] [STS-113] (2002)

The S1 and P1 truss segments were connected to each end of the S0 truss. They are the same size and have the same functions.
1. They act as spacers so that the solar array wings are clear of the station's modules.
2. Both segments support three radiator fins used to extract excess heat from the station.
3. Both segments incorporate sections of the Mobile Servicing System [MSS] used for moving the station's robot arm and space walking personnel along the ITS.
The S1 and P1 truss segments were each delivered with a Crew Equipment Translation Aid Cart [CETA], part of the MSS attached.

* ITS Port 3/4 Truss Segments and ITS Starboard 3/4 Truss Segments
[ITS-P3/4] [ISS-12A] [STS-115] (2006) and [ITS-S3/4] [ISS-13A] [STS-117] (2007)

The Port 3 truss segment was attached to the Port 4 truss segment before being delivered to the station, as were the Starboard 3 and 4 truss segments. They are connected by a rotating joint, called the "Solar Alpha Rotary Joint" [SARJ]. The P4 and S4 truss segment support two solar array wings and a radiator fin each. These can therefore be rotated independently to provide optimum power output.

* ITS Port 5 Truss Segment and ITS Starboard 5 Truss Segment
[ITS-P5] [STS-116] [ISS-12A.1] (2006) and [ITS-S5] [ISS-13A.1] [STS-118] (2007)

The P5 truss segment was attached to the end of the P4 truss segment to act as a spacer between the P4 and P6 truss segments. This ensures the solar array wings are clear of each other to allow for rotation. The S5 truss segment is the same size and has a similar function to the P5 truss segment by supporting the S6 truss segment.

* ITS Port 6 Truss Segment
[ITS-P6] [ISS-4A (Initial), 10A (Final)] [STS-97 (Initial), 120 (Final)] (2000, 2007)

The P6 truss segment was initially temporarily attached to the top of the Zenith 1 Truss [Z1] to provide early power. P6 was later installed in its permanent location on the port end of the S6 truss segment. The P6 supports two solar array wings, for power generation, and a Photo voltaic Radiator used to cool the electronics which operate the solar array wings.

ITS Starboard 6 Truss Segment
[ITS-S6] [ISS-15A] [STS-119] (2009)

The S6 Truss was the last segment of the ITS to be installed. It was attached to the starboard end of the S5 truss segment. The S6 truss segment is the same size and has a similar function to the P6 truss segment.

Mobile Servicing System (MSS)

A 40 meter long rail track, with "rail cars", running along the front of the Integrated Truss Structure [ITS]. The rails extend from the outer end of the P3 truss segment to the outer end of the S3 truss segment. The components of the MSS are as follows:-

* MSS Mobile Transporter [MT] [ISS-8A] [STS-110] (2002)

The central "rail car" of the MSS is the Mobile Transporter [MT] which can carry the station's robot arm (Canadarm2) This gives Canadarm2 greater reach for construction and maintenance activities. The MT was delivered to the station by U.S. Space Shuttle, attached to the S0 truss segment of the ITS.

* MSS Mobile Base [MB] [ISS-UF2] [STS-111] (2002)

Used to provide the connection between the Mobile Transporter [MT] and the station's robot arm Canadarm2. It was attached to the MT.

* MSS Crew Equipment Translation Aid Carts [CETA] The MT is flanked by two "rail cars" called Crew Equipment Translation Aids [CETA A and B] used to convey space walkers and equipment along the ITS.

** CETA-A [ISS-9A] [STS-112] (2002) Delivered attached to the S1 truss segment of the ITS.
** CETA-B [ISS-11A] [STS-113] (2002) Delivered attached to the P1 truss segment of the ITS.


Used un-pressurised Integrated Cargo Carriers type GD (ICC-Generic Deployable) to carry External Stowage Platforms (ESPs) to the ISS. ESPs are based on a deployable version of the ICC and hold equipment and spare parts for use in the non-pressurised sections of the ISS.

* ISS-ICC-GD1 Carried an External Stowage Platform-2 (ESP-2) mounted on its underside.
* ISS-ICC-GD2 Carried an External Stowage Platform-3 (ESP-3) mounted on its underside.

[LF1, 13A.1] [STS-114, 118] (2005, 2007)


Used pressurised Logistics Single Modules (LSM) to transport logistical supplies to the ISS.

[ISS-12A.1, 13A.1] [STS-116, 118] (2006, 2007)

ESA Laboratory Module (Columbus)

Europe's largest contribution to the ISS. It is a cylindrical pressurized module used to conduct experiments in life sciences, materials sciences, fluid physics and other research in a weight less environment not possible on Earth. It also has four exterior mounting platforms that can accommodate external pay loads in space science, Earth observation and technology. Columbus was berthed to the starboard side port of Node 2 (Harmony).

[ISS-1E] [STS-122] (2008)


Used an un-pressurised Integrated Cargo Carrier type L (ICC-Light) to deliver the Solar Monitoring Observatory (SOLAR), the European Technology Exposure Facility (EuTEF), and a new Nitrogen Tank Assembly (NTA) to the ISS.

[ISS-1E] [STS-122] (2008)

Japanese Experiment Module [JEM] (Kibo)

Japan's first human-rated space facility. It is the largest experiment module on the Station, accommodating 31 racks in its pressurized section, including experiment, stowage, and system racks. Kibo is also equipped with external facilities that can accommodate 10 exposed experiment pay-loads.

* JEM Pressurized Module [PM] [STS-124] [ISS-1J] (2008)

The main pressurised section of the JEM where crew conduct experiments and control the total facility. The PM is permanently attached to the port side of Node 2. (Harmony), which connects the JEM to the rest of the station. The PM also supports and provides access to the Experiment Logistics Module - Pressurized Section [ELM-PS]. The Exposed Facility [EF] and the Japanese Experiment Module Remote Manipulator System [JEMRMS] are attached to the PM's port end.

* JEM Experiment Logistics Module - Pressurized Section [ELM-PS] [ISS-1J/A] [STS-123] (2008)

A pressurised storage facility providing space for experiment pay-loads, samples, and spare items. It is attached to the top of, and accessed through, the Pressurized Module [PM].

* JEM Remote Manipulator System [JEMRMS] [ISS-1J] [STS-124] (2008)

Is a robotic arm system designed to support and manipulate experiments and perform maintenance tasks on the JEM un-pressurized facilities. It is operated from a console in the PM. The JEMRMS is composed of two arms, a main arm (MA) for moving larger items and a small fine arm (SFA) for more delicate operations. The MA is permanently connected to the port end of the PM. The SFA is stored on the EF and attached to the end of the MA when needed.

* JEM Exposed Facility [EF] [ISS-2J/A] [STS-127] (2009)

A multi purpose experiment space for various activities which are exposed to space and utilize an environment with micro gravity and high level vacuum. They include experiments in science, communications, engineering, materials and Earth observation. The EF is permanently attached to the port end of the PM.

* JEM Experiment Logistics Module - Exposed Section [ELM-ES] [ISS-2J/A] [STS-127] (2009)

Carries experiment pay-loads and EF system ORUs to and from the EF. The ELM-ES is connected to port end of the EF. The JEMRMS is then used to transfer items to the EF when needed, and back to the ELM-ES when finished with.


Used un-pressurised Integrated Cargo Carriers type VLD (ICC-Vertical Light Deployable) to deliver cargo to the ISS.

* ISS-ICC-VLD1 Carried six new batteries for installation on the P6 truss as well as a spare space-to-ground antenna and a spare linear drive unit and pump module which was stored on an external stowage platform on the station's truss.

* ISS-ICC-VLD2 Carried a Ku-band Space to Ground Antenna (SGANT), the SGANT boom assembly, an Enhanced Orbital replacement Unit (ORU) Temporary Platform (EOTP) for the Canadian Dextre robotic arm extension, Video and Power Grapple fixtures (PVGF) and six new battery ORUs. The six new batteries replaced older ones on the P6 truss of the ISS.

[2J/A, ULF4] [STS-127, 132] (2009, 2010)

Special Purpose Dextrous Manipulator [SPDM] (Dextre)

A small two-armed robot capable of handling delicate assembly tasks to reduce the workload of astronauts on space walks. With its dual-arm design providing added flexibility, it can remove and replace smaller components on the Station's exterior, where precise handling is required. Dextre can either be attached to the end of the Space Station Remote Manipulator System [SSRMS] (Canadarm2) or directly to the base of the Mobile Servicing System [MSS]. Dextre is controlled by the crew inside the Station.

[STS-123] [ISS-1J/A] (2008)

ExPRESS Logistics Carriers 1 to 4 (ELC-1 and 2, 3, 4)

A platform designed to support external pay loads mounted on the station with either deep space or Earth ward views. Each pallet spans the entire width of the shuttle's pay load bay, carries science experiments, and serves as a parking place for spare hardware that can be replaced robotically once on-orbit. All ELCs were mounted on the Integrated Truss Structure [ITS]. ELC-1 and 2 were delivered in one mission, with pay loads attached. ELC-3 and 4 were delivered on separate missions.

* ELC-1 Mounted on the bottom of the P4 truss segment.
* ELC-2 Mounted on the top of the S4 truss segment.
* ELC-3 Mounted on the bottom of the S3 truss segment.
* ELC-4 Mounted on the bottom of the S3 truss segment.

[ISS-ULF3, ULF6, ULF5] [STS-129, 134, 133](2009, 2011, 2011)

Cupola Observational Module

A small dome shaped module with seven windows, six on the sloping sides and one for direct viewing window. All windows have shutters to protect them from contamination and collisions with orbital debris or micrometeorites. The Cupola was berthed to the nadir (bottom) port of Node 3 (Tranquility). It therefore provides spectacular views of Earth and celestial objects as well as operations outside the ISS such as robotic activities, the approach of vehicles, and extra vehicular activity (EVA). It also has a workstation to control the station's robot arm.

[ISS-20A] [STS-130] (2010)

Mini-Research Module 1. [MRM-1] (Rassvet)

A small cylindrical pressurised module docked to the nadir (bottom) port of the Russian Functional Cargo Block [FGB] (Zarya). It is primarily used for cargo storage and as a mini-research laboratory. It also provides a fourth docking port on the Russian Segment for spacecraft and a spare elbow joint for the European Robotic Arm (ERA).

[ISS-ULF4] [STS-132] (2010)

Permanent Multi Purpose Module (PMM)

The Italian built Multi-purpose Logistics Module [MPLM], called Leonardo, made eight trips to the station. It was delivered to the station and returned to Earth by the shuttle. On its eighth trip to the station a modified Leonardo was temporarily berthed to the nadir (bottom) port of Node 1 (Unity) and then permanently berthed to the forward facing side port of Node 3 (Tranquility). Leonardo is now called the Permanent Multi Purpose Module [PMM]. It is used as a laboratory and for storage.

[ISS-ULF5] [STS-133] (2011)

Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer 2 (AMS-2)

A state-of-the-art particle physics detector. Using a large magnet to create a magnetic field that will bend the path of the charged cosmic particles, eight different instruments will provide information on those particles. This information will assist scientists to determine what the universe is made of and how it began. It was mounted on the station ITS S3 truss.

[ISS-ULF6] [STS-134] (2011)

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