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U.S. Space Shuttle (Space Transport System)

Payloads - Facilities

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A number of facilities were designed to be carried in the shuttles payload bay, returned to Earth, refurbished and re-used on other missions.

These included pressurised habitable and non-habitable modules as well as un-pressurised carriers. Modules and carriers were either fixed or removable during the mission.

Three main types of re-usable facilities were flown in the shuttle's payload bay:-
Spacelab : Pressurised research modules and un-pressurised pallets.
SPACEHAB : Pressurised research and logistics modules and un-pressurised pallets.
Multi-Purpose Logistics Modules : Pressurised logistics modules temporarily docked to station.


Spacelab is a re-usable, research laboratory facility carried in the payload bay of the shuttle. It consists of two major elements: a pressurized, habitable laboratory called a module and unpressurized platforms called pallets designed to support instruments which require direct exposure to space.

Pressurised Module A habitable pressurised cylinder which comes in two sections, a core segment and an experiment segment. The core segment can be flown by itself, in what is called the short module configuration, or coupled in tandem with the experiment segment in the long module configuration.

Un-pressurised Pallets A U shaped aluminum frame and panel structures. Up to five Spacelab pallets can be flown in the cargo bay, individually or with two or three linked together to form trains. When pallets are flown without the module, the subsystems necessary for experiment operation are contained in a pressurized cylinder called an "igloo".

Pressurised Igloo A non-habitable pressurized cylinder containing subsystems necessary for experiment operation when pallets are flown without the module.

The table (right) lists all Spacelab missions by year ▷

Spacelab in Shuttle
Spacelab and pallet in Shuttle cargo bay
Year STS Spacelab Mission Type Spacelab Payload
1981 2 Pallet Earth Research OSTA-1 (Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications)
1982 3 Pallet Earth Research OSS-1 (Office of Space Science Pallet)
1983 9 Module LM1 + Pallet Microgravity,
Space Exposure
Spacelab 1 (U.S. / European orbital laboratory)
1984 41G Pallet Earth Research OSTA-3 (Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications)
1985 51B Module LM1 Microgravity Spacelab 3 (European Space Agency orbital laboratory)
51F Igloo + 3 Pallets Space Exposure Spacelab 2 (European Space Agency orbital laboratory)
61A Module LM2 Microgravity Spacelab D-1 (German orbital laboratory)
1990 35 Igloo + 2 Pallets Space Exposure ASTRO-1 (BBXRT, HUT, WUPPE, UIT)
1991 40 Module LM1 Microgravity SLS-1 (Spacelab Life Sciences-1)
1992 42 Module LM2 Microgravity IML-1 (International Microgravity Laboratory)
45 Igloo + 2 Pallets Space Exposure ATLAS-1 (International Atmospheric Lab Applications & Science)
50 Module LM1 Microgravity USML-1 (U.S. Microgravity Laboratory)
46 Pallet Space Exposure TSS-1 (U.S. / Italian Space Agency Tethered Satellite System)
47 Module LM2 Microgravity Spacelab-J (U.S. and Japan)
52 2 MPESS + Pallets Space Exposure USMP-1 (U.S. Microgravity Payload)
1993 56 Igloo + 1 Pallet Space Exposure ATLAS-2 (International Atmospheric Lab Applications & Science)
55 Module LM1 Microgravity Spacelab D-2 (German)
58 Module LM2 Microgravity Spacelab (Life Sciences-2)
1994 62 2 MPESS + Pallets Space Exposure USMP-2 (U.S. Microgravity Payload)
59 1 Pallet Earth Research SRL-1 (International Space Radar Laboratory)
65 Module LM1 Microgravity IML-2 (International Microgravity Laboratory)
64 1 Pallet Earth Research LITE (Lidar In-space Technology Experiment)
68 1 Pallet Earth Research SRL-2 (Space Radar Laboratory)
66 Igloo + 1 Pallet Space Exposure ATLAS-3 (Atmospheric Lab for Applications & Science)
1995 67 Igloo + 2 Pallets Space Exposure ASTRO-2 (HUT, WUPPE, UIT)
71 Module LM2 Station Mir Spacelab Mir-1 (Pressurised laboratory)
73 Module LM1 Microgravity USML-2 (U.S. Microgravity Laboratory)
1996 75 1 Pallet + 2 MPESS Space Exposure TSS-1R (U.S./Italian Tethered Satellite System)
USMP-3 (U.S. Microgravity Payload)
78 Module LM2 Microgravity Spacelab-LMS (International Life and Microgravity)
1997 82 Pallet Astronomy HST-SM-2 (Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission)
83 Module LM1 Microgravity MSL-1a (Microgravity Science Laboratory - shortened)
94 Module LM1 Microgravity MSL-1b (Microgravity Science Laboratory - second)
87 2 Pallets Space Exposure USMP-4 (U.S. Microgravity Payload)
1998 90 Module LM2 Microgravity Neurolab (Nervous system experiments)
2000 99 Pallet Earth Research SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission)


U.S. commercial company SPACEHAB Inc. (called Astrotech Corporation since 2009) provided space habitat microgravity experimentation equipment and services to NASA during the Shuttle era.

SPACEHAB hardware included pressurised modules, for research and logistics, as well as un-pressurised cargo pallets. These were specifically designed to fit inside the Shuttle orbiter cargo bay and remain there during the duration of the mission.

Pressurized modules included: Single Module (SM), Research Double Module (RDM), Logistics Single Module (LSM) and Logistics Double Module (LDM). These were located in the forward end of the shuttle orbiter cargo bay. They were accessed from the orbiter mid deck through a tunnel adapter connected to the airlock.

The Integrated Cargo Carrier (ICC) was an un-pressurised cargo pallet usually located to the rear of the shuttle orbiter cargo bay.

SPACEHAB Research Double Module flew only on the ill-fated Columbia STS-107 mission, in which it was destroyed.

The table (right) lists all SPACEHAB missions by year ▷

SPACEHAB in Shuttle - Cutaway Drawing
SPACEHAB in Shuttle
Integrated Cargo Carrier
Integrated Cargo Carrier
Year STS SPACEHAB Mission Type SPACEHAB Payload
1993 57 Single Module Microgravity SPACEHAB-1 (Pressurized laboratory)
1994 60 Single Module Microgravity SPACEHAB-2 (Pressurized laboratory}
1995 63 Single Module Microgravity SPACEHAB-3 (Pressurized laboratory)
1996 76 Single Module Station Mir SPACEHAB-Mir-1 (Support for Shuttle/Mir docking)
77 Single Module Microgravity SPACEHAB-4 (Pressurized laboratory)
79 Logistics Double Module Station Mir SPACEHAB-Mir-2 (Support for Shuttle/Mir docking)
1997 81 Logistics Double Module Station Mir SPACEHAB-Mir-3 (Support for Shuttle/Mir docking)
84 Logistics Double Module Station Mir SPACEHAB-Mir-4 (Support for Shuttle/Mir docking)
86 Logistics Double Module Station Mir SPACEHAB-Mir-5 (Support for Shuttle/Mir docking)
1998 89 Logistics Double Module Station Mir SPACEHAB-Mir-6 (Support for Shuttle/Mir docking)
91 Single Module Station Mir SPACEHAB-Mir-7 (Support for Shuttle/Mir docking)
95 Single Module Microgravity SPACEHAB 5 (Pressurized module)
1999 96 Logistics Double Module
Integrated Cargo Carrier
Station ISS ISS-2A.1-SPACEHAB-LDM-1 (Pressurized module)
ISS-2A.1-SPACEHAB-ICC-G1 (Un-pressurised carrier)
2000 101 Logistics Double Module
Integrated Cargo Carrier
Station ISS ISS-2A.2a-SPACEHAB-LDM-2 (Pressurized module)
ISS-2A.2a-SPACEHAB-ICC-G2 (Un-pressurised carrier)
106 Logistics Double Module
Integrated Cargo Carrier
Station ISS ISS-2A.2b-SPACEHAB-LDM-3 (Pressurized module)
ISS-2A.2b-SPACEHAB-ICC-G3 (Un-pressurised carrier)
2001 102 Integrated Cargo Carrier Station ISS ISS-5A.1-SPACEHAB-ICC-G4 (External Stowage Platform-1)
105 Integrated Cargo Carrier Station ISS ISS-7A.1-SPACEHAB-ICC-G5 (Early Ammonia Servicer - EAS)
2003 107 Research Double Module - Shuttle lost during re-entry
2005 114 Integrated Cargo Carrier Station ISS ISS-LF1-SPACEHAB-ICC-GD1 (External Stowage Platform-2)
2006 121 Integrated Cargo Carrier Station ISS ISS-ULF1.1-SPACEHAB-ICC-G6 (Un-pressurised carrier)
116 Logistics Single Module
Integrated Cargo Carrier
Station ISS ISS-12A.1-SPACEHAB-LSM-1 (Pressurized module)
ISS-12A.1-SPACEHAB-ICC-G7 (Un-pressurised carrier)
2007 118 Logistics Single Module
Integrated Cargo Carrier
Station ISS ISS-13A.1-SPACEHAB-LSM-2 (Pressurised Module)
ISS-13A.1-SPACEHAB-ICC-GD2 (External Stowage Platform-3)
2008 122 Integrated Cargo Carrier Station ISS ISS-1E-SPACEHAB-ICC-L1 (Un-pressurised carrier)
2009 127 Integrated Cargo Carrier Station ISS ISS-2J/A-SPACEHAB-ICC-VLD1 (Integrated Cargo Carrier)
2010 132 Integrated Cargo Carrier Station ISS ISS-ULF4-SPACEHAB-ICC-VLD2 (Integrated Cargo Carrier)

Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM)

The Multi-Purpose Logistics Module [MPLM] is a pressurised cargo module built for NASA by the Italian Space Agency, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI).

The MPLM carries equipment, supplies, laboratory racks and experiments for the International Space Station (ISS). It is transported in the Shuttle's cargo bay. During transit the MPLM is independent of the shuttle's cabin. There is no internal access from the shuttle to the module.

After the shuttle is docked to the Station the MPLM is lifted from the cargo bay using the shuttle's or the Station's robot arm. It is then connected to the Station the Common Berthing Mechanism, which locks it in place with an airtight seal.

The MPLM is then be unloaded directly into the Station and re-loaded with waste and items to be returned to Earth. At the end of the mission the MPLM is undocked from the Station and re-berthed in the shuttle's cargo bay for return to Earth.

Three MPLMs were built to allow time for turn around; Leonardo, Raffaello and Donnatello. Donnatello was kept as a spare and never flown to the station.

The table (right) lists all SPACEHAB missions by year ▷

For more information, refer to rdata space article on the ISS.

Year STS MPLM Mission Type MPLM Payload
2001 102 Leonardo Station ISS ISS-5A.1-MPLM-Leonardo-1
100 Raffaello ISS-6A-MPLM-Raffaello-1
105 Leonardo ISS-7A.1-MPLM-Leonardo-2
108 Raffaello ISS-UF1-MPLM-Raffaello-2
2002 111 Leonardo ISS-MPLM-Leonardo-3
2005 114 Raffaello ISS-LF1-MPLM-Raffaello-3
2006 121 Leonardo ISS-ULF1.1-MPLM-Leonardo-4
2008 126 Leonardo ISS-ULF2-MPLM-Leonardo-5
2009 128 Leonardo ISS-17A-MPLM-Leonardo-6
2010 131 Leonardo ISS-19A-MPLM-Leonardo-7
2011 133 Leonardo (PMM) ISS-ULF5-PMM (Permanent Multi Purpose Module)
135 Raffaello ISS-ULF7-MPLM-Raffaello-4
 rdata space  2022-06  ▲