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U.S. Space Shuttle (Space Transport System)
Technical Pages
STS Header Pic
Technical Pages: Orbiter External Tank Boosters Facilities
Shuttle Components
STS Main Components

The "Technical" pages provide extra details on the main components of the STS spacecraft. They do not cover the facilities used for launching, ground support or tracking.

This topic has been divided into four page, each covering major components, as listed on the right.

To go to each page; select from the above menu or from the list headings.

►  Orbiter - The Orbiter Vehicle (OV) is the main component of the STS, It carries the crew and mission cargo. It is launched attached to the External Tank which provides extra fuel to its engines. The Tank is jettisoned before the Orbiter reaches orbit. The Orbiter then carries out its mission and returns to Earth.

►  External Tank - The External Tank provides extra fuel to the Orbiter during launch. After the Tanks fuel is used up the Orbiter switches to internal tanks for the rest of the mission.

►  Boosters - Even with the extra fuel from the External Tank, the Orbiter does not have sufficient thrust for launch. Two Solid Rocket Boosters, attached to the sides of the External Tank, are therefore used to provide additional thrust during launch. They a ejected, when empty, and parachuted back to Earth for recovery.

►  Facilities - This page covers the main pressurised modules, carried in the Orbiters cargo bay, for use on some missions. Two types of modules remained in the bay during the mission. Another type was used for the International Space Station and temporarily removed from the bay.

 rdata space  2022-06  ▲